人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration 词汇讲解课件(59张) 您所在的位置:网站首页 signal to sb that 人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration 词汇讲解课件(59张)

人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration 词汇讲解课件(59张)

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(共59张PPT)astronaut刘洋procedure: n.程序;步骤;手续the procedure for[ doing] sth.[做]某事的程序/步骤/手续1)Do you know anything about the selectionprocedure for astronauts 2)The results show clearly that this procedureis correct.3)What’s the procedure for opening a bankaccount(账户)?Key words◆教材原句Astronauts not only had to learn how to use space equipment(U.设备),but also had to do a lot of mental and physical training.mentaladj. relating to the state or the health of a person‘s mind;adj. relating to the process of thinking;mental developmentmental health/illness/problemsphysical and mental healthphysical and mental conditions心理上的,精神上的智力方面的心理健康/疾病/问题智力发展身心健康身心状况mentally adv.单句写作1. It is said that taking exercise is good to ________________(智力发展).2. Long years of civil war in that African country affected people’s _______________________(身心健康).3. The research has shown that listening to music or playing instruments can help heal ____________________________(身心状况).mental developmentphysical and mental healthphysical and mental conditionsintelligent adj. 有智慧的;聪明的;智能的◆教材原句First of all,you must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree.a highly intelligent studentintelligent software/systems智能软件/系统◆词语积累intelligence n. 才智;智慧;智力Artificial Intelligence (AI) 人工智能a person of high/low/average intelligence 智力高/低/正常的人of 抽象名词=同根形容词 be important = be of importancea student of _______ _____________Be greatly important= be of great importancehigh intelligence归纳be intelligent to do 做…是明智的an intelligent question 机智的问题intelligent beings 有智力的生物intelligence n.智力;才智;智慧intelligence quotient(IQ) 智商high/low IQ高/低智商单句语法填空(1) He believes that all children are born with equal __________(intelligent).(2) When robots become extremely __________(intelligence) one day, what will happen to our earth (3) The first part of the robot’s name,the letters AI,are short for artificial _________(intelligent).(4) The boy is           (如此聪明,以至于)he can solve the mathematical problem.(5) Susan is a woman           (具有高智商的) who knows her own mind.intelligenceintelligentintelligenceso intelligent thatof high intelligencerocketgravity ['ɡr v ti]: n.重力;引力1)After many experiments, they succeededin making rockets that couldescape Earth’s gravity.2)The stone rolled down the mountainby gravity.3)When there is no gravity, our feetno longer stay on the ground.frontiervehiclevehicle ['vi kl]: n. 交通工具;车辆car: 小车; 轿车 taxi: 出租车jeep: 吉普车 bus: n. 公共汽车truck: 卡车 train: 火车plane: 飞机 aircraft: 飞机ship: 船; 舰 boat: 小船; 船helicopter: 直升机spaceship/spacecraft: 宇宙飞船bike/bicycle: 自行车motorbike/motorcycle: 摩托车universe [ 'ju n v s ]: n. 宇宙;天地万物earth: n. 地球moon: n. 月球1)They make vehicles to carry bravepeople into space to find out thesecrets of the universe.2)Do you know how the universe began ◆教材原句However,some scientists were determined to help humans realizetheir dream to explore space.determine vt. 查明;确定;决定【语块积累】determine to do sth.   决心做某事determine on(doing)sth. 决定(做)某事be determined to do sth 决心做某事be determined that. . . 决心做某事determined adj. 有决心的, 意志坚定的determination U. 决心 with determination 坚定地e. Helen was a strong girl and she finally achieved her dream with great____________ determination单句语法填空(1) I have determined   going to the countryside after graduating from college.(2) He is      (determine)to take good care of his parents from now on.(3) The     (determine)expression on her face suggested that she wouldn’t change her mind.(4)Paul was fond of Chinese culture,so he_________________( 决定定居)in China..ondetermineddetermineddetermined to settlesatellitesatellitelaunchlaunch: v./n 发射;发起;上市 send up: 发射launch a satellite/rocket发射卫星/火箭launch a project 启动项目launch a campaign 发起运动launch an attack 发起/进行攻击1)The Russia will launch a communicationssatellite tomorrow morning.2)The new car will be launched next year.3)They launched a surprise air attack on thecapital in the early hours of the morning.归纳总结launch vt.发射; 发动,发起;推出(新产品等),发行; 使(新船等)下水n.发射; 发起; 发行launch into sth. 开始做某事;投入某事launch sb./sth. into 使某人/某物进入即学即练①单句语法填空He launched an arrow ____ the air.②单句写作Mike开始就新项目的重要性慷慨陈词。Mike ____________ a speech about the importance of new projects.intolaunched intoorbit [' b t]: n.势力范围(环绕地球/太阳等运行的)轨道v.沿轨道运行;环绕…运行1)On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1satellite was lunched by the USSRand successfully orbited around Earth.2)Mars and Earth have orbits whichchange with time.3)Now Canada is within the orbit ofthe United States of America.giant ['d a nt]: adj. 巨大的;伟大的n. 巨人;巨兽;伟人big: adj. 大的;巨大的; 年龄较大的;重大的; 严重的huge: adj. 巨大的;庞大的large: adj. 大的; 大量的; 大规模的great: adj. 伟大的: 巨大的; 大的leap: n. 跳跃;剧增;剧变 v. 跳过;跃过(leapt--leapt [lept]; leaped--leaped)jump: v.跳; 跳跃;跳过; 跨越look before you leap 三思而后行jump/leap to the conclusion that…匆忙下结论…; 贸然断定…leap to one’s feet 赶紧站起来1)He had leapt from a window in the buildingand escaped.2)I saw a fish leaping out of the water.mankind [m n'ka nd ]: n.人类(前不用冠词, 接单数动词/复数动词)all mankind: 全人类man: n. 人类(不可数名词,前不用冠词,接单数动词)(a) human being: 人agency ['e d nsi]: n.(政府的)专门机构;服务机构;代理处agent: n.代理人;经纪人a travel agency: 旅行社1)You can book at your local travel agency.2)I wrote a letter to the car rental agency,explaining what had happened.3)The agency provided me with awell-paid job.transmittransmit: v. 传输;发送transmit sth. from… to… 把某物从…传递到…transmission n. 播送,传送,传动装置[电台或电视]信息,1)The game was transmitted live(实况) all over theworld.2)The ceremony was transmitted live by satelliteto over 100 countries.3)The images(图像) of the moon’s surface weretransmitted back to the earth.data ['de t ]: n. (复数)资料; 数据(单数: datum)1)For example, America’s NASA spaceagency launched Voyager 1 on 5September, 1977 to study deep space,and it still transmits data today.2)The study was based on data from100,000 women.3)You should often save data on yourcomputer.◆教材原句These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed,but the desire to explore the universe never died.disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的◆要点必记be disappointed in/with sb. 对某人失望be disappointed at/about sth. 对某事失望be disappointed to do sth. 对做某事感到失望◆词语积累disappoint vt. 使……失望 disappoint sbSb be disappointed(人)Disappointing adj. (人或物)令人失望的 (可以修饰人或物)disappointed adj. (人自身)感到失望的(只能修饰人)disappointmentU. 失望 to one’s disappointment 令某人失望的是◆一言辨异The ____________news that he failed the exam made him very______________.disappointingdisappointedTo my disappointment,his behavior caused some misunderstanding between us.◆词语积累 to one’s 情感类名词 令人···的是,做状语to one’s surprise(惊讶) to one’s joy/delightto one‘s astonishment(震惊) to one's sorrowto one’s amazement(震惊) to one‘s satisfactionto one’s regret to one's relief◆词语积累in 情感类名词 相当于副词,一般翻译成···地, 表示处于某种状态中in surprise in silencein amazement in sorrowin despair in anger惊讶地震惊地绝望地沉默地悲伤地伤心地C. 令人失望的人或物He always felt he was a disappointment to his father.他觉得自己总是让父亲失望。单句语法填空(1) Although I was ___________I couldn’t keep the toys,I was somewhat proud to take them back.(2) To my      (disappoint),his behavior cause some misunderstanding between us.(3) The teacher is disappointed      Tony’s attitude towards study.(4)We were greatly disappointed    (know)that she was absent.(5) The fans were disappointed      the film star when they learned some negative news about him on the website.(6)The fans looked quite      (disappoint)when they heard the _____________(disappoint)result.disappointeddisappointmentat/aboutto knowin/withdisappointeddisappointing渴望desire…but the desire to explore the universe never died...(教材P41)语境感悟desire的意义及用法:1. He has a strong desire for success.=He has a strong desire to succeed.2. We always desire to live in peace with other countries in the world.3. I desire you to get down to work at once.4. The people trapped in the ruins desired that rescue teams (should)come here right now.It is my desire that all the members of the family (should) gatheronce a year.n.渴望;欲望 vt. 渴望;期望have a desire for sth. 渴望得到某物have a desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事desire作动词后接宾语从句,以及desire 作名词后接同位语从句或表语从句时,从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用"should +动词原形"形式,should可省略。归纳总结desire n.渴望;欲望have a desire for sth. 渴望得到某物have a desire to do sth. 渴望做某事vt.渴望;期望desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事desire that … (should) do 渴望…(虚拟语气)desirable adj. 令人满意的; 值得要的desired adj. 渴望的; 想得到的即学即练①单句语法填空1. It is obvious that she has a strong desire _____ power.2. Henry desires _________(receive) his graduation certificate soon.3. The parents in China desire that the current education system ________________ (adjust) to ensure their good sleep.②翻译我们期望大家生活在一个安全、无污染的环境中。We desire that everyone (should) live in a safe environment without pollution.We desire everyone to live in a safe environment without pollution.forto receive(should) be adjustedcarry onThis is because people believe in the importance of carrying onspace exploration despite huge risks.(教材P41)1. Carry on with your work while I’m out.After her husband’s death, she carried on managing the hotel.2. We are determined to carry through all our work.3. We don’t care what they carry in.4. I try not to let my problems at home carry over into my work.5. We should carry out the plan to the full.继续做;坚持干carry on with sth. 继续某事carry on doing sth. 继续做某事把…进行到底,完成输入,携带(使)继续下去,(使)延伸实施;执行归纳总结carry on 继续做;坚持干carry on with sth. 继续某事carry on doing sth. 继续做某事carry through 把…进行到底,完成;carry sb through sth 帮······度过难关carry in 输入,携带carry over (使)继续下去,(使)延伸carry out 实施;执行即学即练①单句语法填空1. Three students were chosen to carry _____ the experiment.2. It’s a difficult job but she’s the person to carry it ________.3. Attitudes learned at home can carry ____ into school.②单句写作1. Her brave story has given me the will to ____________________ (继续我的工作).2. You’ll have an accident if you ____________________ (继续像那样开车).outthroughovercarry on with my workcarry on driving like that25.ongoing [' nɡ ]: adj.持续存在的;仍在进行的;不断发展的outgoing: adj. 外向的; 善于交际的1)An example of this ongoing work isthe International Space Station.2)There is an ongoing debate on thisproblem.3)That research is ongoing.on board: 在宇宙飞船上;在船上;在飞机上;在火车上board the ship/plane 登船/登记go on board: 登上船/飞机/火车1)It orbits Earth and has astronauts from differentcountries on board, providing a continuoushuman presence in space.2)The four astronauts on board will spend about 40days in space.3)When all the passengers were on board, the trainleft the station.independently : adv. 独立地;自立地independent : adj. 独立的; 自主的; 自治的make sb. independent 使某人自立be independent of… 不依赖…independence n. 独立,自立gain independence from… 脱离…获得独立depend (on/upon...): v. 依靠;依赖dependent adj. 依赖的,有瘾的dependence n. 依赖,依靠[酒精/药物],依存[关系]1)It is the first time that she has lived independently.2)She is now able to drive the car independently.spacecraftspacewalkjadedockdock标志着signalThis signalled one step further in china’s plan to establish a space station in the future.(教材P41)语境感悟signal的意义及用法:1. The police signalled (to) the driver to stop his car by raising hishands.2. She signalled that she was about to turn left.3. The rise in prices was a signal for economy falling.signal (to) sb. to do sth. 示意某人做某事n.信号;标志signal (sb)that… 示意/发信号…a/the signal for… …的信号/标志signalled signalling归纳总结signal vt.&vi 标志着;标明;发信号signal (to) sb. to do sth. 示意某人做某事signal (sb)that… 示意/发信号…signal to sb. 示意某人;向某人发信号n. 信号;标志a/the signal for… …的信号/标志send/give out a signal 发出信号traffic signals 交通信号灯symbol 指符号、象征、标志等, 常表示某种有深邃寓意的事物signal 指为某一目的而有意识地发出的信号sign 表示“记号、符号”时, 同symbol; 表示“告示, 标志”时, 侧重指用图形、文字等所表达的内容; 另外还可指“征兆, 迹象”mark 普通用词, 含义广泛, 既可指为便于辨认而有意识地所做的标记, 又可指自然而然形成的标志或有别于其他事物的特征, 也可用于指“分数, 成绩”即学即练①单句语法填空1. The policeman spotted that I didn’t get my seat belt on and signalledme _________ (stop).2. When the teacher closed the book, it was a signal ____ everyoneto stand up.②单句写作1. 在大街拐角处,一名警察正在示意小学生先走。At the corner of street, a policeman __________________________ .2. 总统将这次访问视作一种表示支持的重要信号。President saw the visit as _______________ for support.to stopforis signalling to the pupils to go firstan important signal教材语境P41》Mankind is exploring space in the hope of finding out more about the universe.①Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Jackson in minutes rather than hours.抱着······的希望in the hope of doing sth点拨精讲 22’带着······希望with the hope of:表示心理状态,心理有什么希望。in the hope of:表示做什么的目的,希望什么。so as to (do sth): 为了;以便(so as to do不放在句首)so as not to do ...: 为了不…in order to do...: 为了…(in order to do可放句首或句中)in order (not) to do...: 为了(不)…to do...: 为了…in order that + 陈述句= so that + 陈述句: 为了◆教材原句In space,astronauts collect all dirty water so as to recycle it forlater use.在太空中, 宇航员收集所有的污水,以便回收利用。so as to 表示目的,以便,为了◆要点必记动词不定式的一个主要作用,是在句中作目的状语。in order to 或so as to 则使“目的”更加明确。· so as to 一般不放在句首,否定形式是so as not to。· in order to 可以放在句首或句中,否定形式是in order not to。单句写作1. _______________(为了找到)the missing child,the villagers have been doing all they can over the past five hours.2. He worked extra hours         (为了完成)the task ahead of time.3. We have got to set out early in the morning _________________           (为了)get to the company on time.4. _______________________(为了不被打扰),he spent three hours locked in his study.In order to findin order to finish/so as to finishin order to/so as toIn order not to be disturbedrecyclevt. 回收利用;再利用n. ___________ 回收利用;循环使用re- (动词前缀) + cycle (词根) → recyclenew adj. 新的→renew v. 使更新;重新开始place v. 放;置→ replace vt. 取代;放回move v. 移动→ remove vt. 移开;挪走use vt. 使用→ reuse vt. 再利用build v. 建;建造→ rebuild v. 重建re- +adj. ___________ 可再循环的;可回收利用的recyclablerecyclingrecycling system 回收系统muscle教材语境P42》Astronauts’ bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity,so they...①These children have health problems linked to poor diet and a lack of exercise.②In Africa millions of people have to drink unsafe water for lack of clean drinking water.③There is no lack of beauty in life but lack of the eyes to discover it.n. 缺乏;匮乏;短缺lack(a) lack of ... 缺乏······for lack of ... 因缺乏······no lack of ... 不缺······n. 缺乏④People do not lack strength; they lack will.⑤The children lack for nothing although the parents are poorly dressed.vt. 缺乏;没有vi. 缺乏lack (for)... 缺乏······【归纳总结】lack(1)n. 缺乏;匮乏;短缺(其前可加不定冠词)(a) lack of ...for lack of ...no lack of ...(2)vt. 缺乏;没有(不用于被动语态)lack (for) ...lackingadj. (不用于名词前)缺乏,不足因缺乏······缺乏······不缺······缺乏······(3)vi. 缺乏(常与for连用)缺乏······be lacking in ...Food is lacked by the people there.The people there lacked food.√(1)语法填空①Although _________(lack) the support of the banks, Mike managed to save his company with the help of his friend.②Later, he worked in Africa, where many people suffered from blindness ________lack of proper treatment.③Lack ________ experience made John fail in the interview, but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t find a suitable job.(2)一句多译汤姆尽管缺乏信心,但尽了一切努力,最终梦想成真。①Though Tom _________________, he made every effort and his dream came true at last.②In spite of ___________________, Tom made every effort andhis dream came true at last.lacking【即景活用】foroflacked confidence(a) lack of confidencelacking confidencefloat : v.浮动; 漂流; 漂浮; 使浮动;使漂流float down the river 顺流飘下float in the water 在水中漂浮float on the surface of the water 漂浮在水面上float over the city 飘过城市上空float across the sky 从天空飘过1)They float the wood down the river to the towns.2)A small boat is floating in the water.3)There isn’t enough water to float the ship.








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